Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Newly Wed

Fr. Eric Castro, Ate Gellie, Kuya Jomar & Bishop Tagle

Congratulations & Best Wishes to kuya Jomar & ate Gellie!!

A simple message to both of you..

"Blessed couple!!!Upon the very happy and auspicious day of your sacred marriage, I pray to the Lord to shower His grace upon you both and grant you happiness, health prosperity and success in life. Both of you must worship together and glorify God together. Love and respect each other. Evolve the life of harmony, beauty and mutual regard. Let moderation and a wise self-control be the keynote of your life in all things . Let your life be an inspiration to other young couples. May this world be blessed by such ideal married couples. We wish you joy and peace. May your life be radiant like the shining sun and bright light into the lives of many others! "

The couple with maid of honor (janise)and bestman (ralph)

...our very own ate dehl (principal sponsor) &
Jaan (secondary sponsor)

.....the couple with the group.....

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A few Old memories

As it was, all they really lost were memories: photographs, old letters, etc etc when we were kids and we were young, pictures of our friends, best friends etc.

Things that mean something.

Yes, its true, you can't buy back lost memories. our old friends, yes they did come and go but they are reason why we are filled in by the things that tell the stories of our lives, the things that make us human.

All of which made me wonder what I would do in a similar situation, particularly as my own memory is lousy. I need external cues to remind me of my past.

My recent photographs have all been digital, and these are backed up regularly and stored off-site for safety. No problem there. I also have copies of all work-related documents, letters, and code and so on, as any sensible business person would.

But there are some things for which we don't have backups for many reasons.

Maybe it's better to keep things as they are. There's such a thing as too much security, and perhaps it's good that these fragile items are all that's there to remind us our younger days and memories for our old friends. Maybe that makes the memories more precious than they would be.

Take a look at the photos below,these are the things that we need backups,a few shots but indeed a happy memory.

some pix are really funny... aren't these?

These are the pix that was stored in my pc. for the newcomers, you may not recognize the old members, (literally, not old huh) hehe, we were also very happy before. As they say, friends come and go.. but they're not just friends, they're family. I know they'd come back... Because we are family; Canticle of Love.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Congratulation new graduate!

First of all, congratulations on your achievements. Your arrival at this significant and perhaps pivotal point in life is a marker of the years of work and study and effort required to earn post-secondary honors. You deserve to be proud of your accomplishments and to celebrate them. Whatever level of education you have now reached, you have done something remarkable that will always be a part of your experience, something that will shape your life forever. You will never regret having gotten an education, and it will serve you in ways you may not now be able to imagine.

Statistically speaking, you are more likely to earn more money over the course of your lifetime than your high school classmates who do not earn a degree. But keep in mind that a degree is not necessarily the equivalent of intelligence, nor does a degree increase your value as a person; there are intelligent people all around you in all kinds of positions, and everyone in our society is created equal and has value. A fool with a degree is merely an educated fool. Remember also that intelligence is not wisdom; intelligent people sometimes do unwise things.

Because of that, because of those gifts you have received, you have a responsibility here forward to serve your communities and fellow citizens with your hands, hearts and heads. As you are well aware, there is much work to be done in many places to build the kind of state and country we all dream it should be. The challenges are many and large, and they will not be overcome soon.

But know that your community is proud of you and supports you and wants badly for you to succeed. Your future is our future. On the day that you receive your certificate or diploma or other affirmation of your education, you have already begun to assume responsibility for your world and its fate. We are certain that in coming years, as you use what you have learned, that fate will be in excellent hands.

Congratulations Mr Jaan Olisa,a member of canticle,now a new graduate this year 2009!All Canticle members wishing you the best and more success!

Taken during Jaan Grad Celebration at their residence

Annual Parish Outing

I don't know where to begin! I will let the pictures do the talking about what happened in our outing at Laguna,Cuyab Hot Spring.

Mary Mirror of Justice annual parish outing was held last May 30.,that was long time ago,but the excitement and enjoyment is so amazing so i want to let everyone know and keep it posted. Around 150 parishioners left MMJP around 5am for Cuyab Hot Springs in Laguna. It was kind of rainy the whole day but that did not stop anybody from having fun and enjoying a splash in the warm waters of the swimming pools.